About Reading School of Guitar
30+ years of music performance and education.
20 years as a music publishing professional
B.A. Music Composition, UW Madison
Elite Guitar Teacher Inner Circle member
Understanding Disabilities board member
CORI certified
JazzBoston Members & Friends Party at Pastoral in Boston with Yoron Israel Trio
Reading School of Guitar is committed to helping people of all ages and abilities learn to play the guitar the right way, see results quickly, and have fun. You’re not just learning to play guitar, you’re also learning the language of music, building confidence, and developing skills that will last a life time. Reading School of Guitar believes in inspiring creativity and building community through music education, music performance, and self expression.
My name is Jon Taubman and I’m the founder and owner of Reading School of Guitar.
My own musical journey started in 4th grade when I learned to play flute in music class. I remember being so excited when I got to bring the instrument home, learn each musical note, and learn new songs each week in class. I was hooked from day one! From there I moved on to piano, alto sax, trombone, percussion, and finally the guitar.
As a young person growing up in the Northshore, music was a healthy way for me to release my emotions. As my musical journey progressed I soon realized how powerful music is at bringing all different kinds of people together. I have seen community form at the venue performing live on stage, as a music publishing professional in the sanctuary’s where people gather to worship, and as a music educator in the classrooms and recital halls where families gather to celebrate their young musicians’ journey.
Music truly is a universal language that celebrates creativity, culture, and community, and today I’m building a new community sharing my experience, knowledge and passion for teaching music through Reading School of Guitar.
Contact me today and see if Reading School of Guitar is the right fit for you.
Sign up now for a free, no obligation, introductory lesson or email me for more info