Rock Lab
If your teen or tween is serious about playing guitar and wants to perform music in a live band then you need to add Rock Lab to their week! This class focuses on the core skills of performance and collaboration to create original arrangements of popular songs. The song selection is decided by the group. Original songs are welcome.
Learn to play rhythm guitar, licks, and leads, and hear how different parts layer together to create a whole. Students in Rock Lab can also learn electric bass parts, play percussion, keyboard, sing vocal leads or backgrounds - whatever the song requires. This class will teach the art of collaboration, listening, music arranging, stage etiquette, and how to choose the right gear and tone to best serve the song. Rock Lab will perform live at recitals and open mic nights and may include performances at other live venues and events when available. Rock Lab performs regularly at Open Mic Night, and at local events and festivals.
“My daughter had taken lessons previously and knew how to read music, however, she was not proficient or confident. Within a few short months of taking lessons, her skill set really took off. She is 17, but what she told me she loves most about the program is that she takes groups lessons with people of all different ages and skill sets. It does not matter if you or your child has previous experience or can even read music, his lessons are extremely effective and enjoyable. It is a great program for any age or skill set.Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.”
“I have been taking classes with Jon for about three months now and when I started, I was completely new at guitar. However, Jon’s teaching style and classes made me feel very welcome and comfortable as he catered towards people of all skill levels and ages. Despite not knowing much when I first joined, my confidence and improvement in skill at the guitar has overall made his classes very worthwhile! I highly recommend his lessons to anyone with an interest at learning the guitar.”